As one season ends another begins.
We are currently working to prepare greenhouse to get ready for the next season and boy, is there a lot to do! There was a small bit of time where we thought that purchasing this farm at the end of these season would allow us to ease into the process. We briefly thought we would have a few months to ease ourselves into all things tomatoes and growing. That thought was short lived! This summer we quickly were overwhelmed with lists of off-season tasks and we are working hard to cross them off daily.
One big task that has been keeping us busy is cleaning out high tunnels. Our property has five high tunnels that are approximately 30 x 90 feet. That’s over 13,000 square feet of growing space, much of which we received full of tomatoes. Its been a slow process as we work nights and weekends around here, but its coming along.
Tomatoes must be pulled, trellis’s cut, plants piled up and loaded onto the tractor and transported to an outside space after which, staples are lifted, from the fabric and the fabric is pulled out. And, Voila!- a clean space, ready to work for the coming season.
We are currently ready to take up the fabric in two houses and have just a few rows of plants to remove in another. GOAL: In addition to hitting the wreath making hard, its my goal to have these done and have soil samples sent off by December 1st. We will see if it can happen!